
Spitting up in babies: What's normal, what's not

What can you do to reduce spitting up?

Consider these tips:

  • Keep your baby upright. Feed your baby in a more upright position. Follow each feeding with 30 minutes in an upright position. Avoid immediate active play or use of an infant swing.
  • Avoid overfeeding. Feeding your baby smaller amounts, more frequently might help.
  • Take time to burp your baby. Frequent burps during and after each feeding can keep air from building up in your baby's stomach.
  • Put baby to sleep on his or her back. To reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), it's important to place your baby to sleep on his or her back. Placing a baby to sleep on his or her tummy to prevent spitting up isn't recommended.
  • Experiment with your own diet. If you're breast-feeding, your baby's doctor might suggest that you eliminate dairy products or certain other foods from your diet.

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